Past & Current Clients

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IT Consultant



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Lead Software Engineer


A SaaS startup I'm running with my dad. I'm responsible for developing the backend software, which are dotnet API's running in containers on a EC2 instance with Docker and Traefik. Also setting up CI/CD pipelines with Github actions and monitoring the software with CloudWatch and custom alerts.

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BKR2022 - 2023

IT Consultant

dotnetAzure DevOpsAgile/ScrumMSSQL

I had the opportunity to help BKR with one of their projects called KYC. The project was way behind deadline. After refactoring a lot of code and finishing the expected functionality, I succesfully managed to guide the service to production. All of the services were dotnet API's or dotnet MVC apps.

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Conclusion2020 - 2022

Software Engineer

dotnetAWSIaCAWS CDKLambdaAgile/ScrumJiraAzure DevOpsreact

My first job after graduation. I worked for RoyalForaHolland (RFH) via Conclusion where I worked in a team writing software for RFH's logistics. Most of the software that I developed were AWS .NET API Lambda and sometimes React applications. Our team developed, deployed and monitored the software ourself.

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Itonomy2019 - 2020

Graduation internship


For my graduation internship, I created an isolated feature based deployment system using Kubernetes and Magento2. Often Magento 2 modules would conflict with other functionality. Having an isolated environment would enhance QA when testing new written features.

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CargoSnap2018 - 2018



As a sidejob I helped building features for the starup CargoSnap, which was a Laravel MCV application.

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Experius2017 - 2018



During my internship at Experius I was responsible for creating a Magento 2 module that tracked visitors shopping experience and behaviour. This module stored anonimized metadata in ElasticSearch.